A Little About Me

Barb Rathbun

As a lifelong resident of the Finger Lakes area, I love and know this part of the world well! My husband and I raised our children on our multi-generational farm just outside of Naples where we have lived for over 38 years. We are fortunate enough to own hundreds of acres just outside of our studio and it’s on these acres (as well as many other spots in the Naples Valley) that I shoot most of my portraits.
Photography has always been a wonderful hobby for me…walking through the countryside and in the woods, discovering cool old buildings and rusty farm equipment. But it wasn’t until I purchased my first digital camera 15 years ago, that photography became a passion. Part of the reason is that I could now easily add people to my favorite settings creating a new level of interest and (a lot of) fun to my adventures!
Since I believe that nothing captures a personality like the human face, I enjoy shooting casual portraits of children and high school seniors to emphasize the individual’s unique facial expressions and body language. When shooting families, nothing expresses the essence of a family like those moments when they interact with one another either laughing or enjoying a special moment. That’s what I try to put on “film”.
When it comes to children, even though I always have lots of props and ideas, I usually find myself just stalking them with my camera, watching them explore their surroundings and just being kids while I snap away. Without exception, the session ends with some priceless glimpses into their personality. Something that is not possible with formal shots alone.
While my husband and two now grown children have been wonderful supporters of my foray into photography, they have been my most difficult clients, displaying the most un-cooperative aspects of their personality during photo sessions with me. This fact makes it that much easier to photograph other people’s families!

To complement my photography, I use Photoshop to edit. I enjoy experimenting with black & white, sepia, hand painted effects, and the creative digital techniques often found in my fine art prints.
While my husband and two now grown children have been wonderful supporters of my foray into photography, they have been my most difficult clients, displaying the most un-cooperative aspects of their personality during photo sessions with me. This fact makes it that much easier to photograph other people’s families!
Hope to see more of my “old” clients again this year as well as welcome new folks that may come my way!
You don’t make a photograph just with a camera.
You bring to the act of photography all the pictures you have seen, the books you have read, the music you have heard, the people you have loved.
– Ansel Adams